Sunday, January 31, 2016

Bernie Sanders Must Be the Next POTUS

Iain Coston

Author's Note: In this series, I will be examining the top three reasons why each candidate should be the next President of The United States. This is the third.

As voting begins for the primaries tomorrow, I wanted to make sure I wrote this before any decision is made. Because I have such tremendous influence on others, I wanted to get my two cents in before ballots are cast. As you may know, the reason for this post's existence is for me to find three things in every candidate that will not make people go

if they're elected president. Now go get an icepack, it's time to #FeeltheBern

1. He's Practical kind of
One of my pet peeves when citizens are having arguments, is when people can't decipher when someone is explaining something that is a logistical or practical observation, versus an opinion of what they want. For instance, when I wrote a post on the minimum wage, my intention was to create an explanation of what the experts and facts are trying to tell us. Of course, people (including myself) are wrong all the time, but it's not as if I want people to be paid less. My personal desire is for no one to have to worry about money. However, I simply believe that on the list of things that create helpful  economic opportunities for the marginalized, minimum wage is not found. You can want certain things but know that that's not how the world works.
Is this about Bernie or you?
I'm getting to that. It's called analysis.
Well, maybe I'd get to it faster if you would be quiet.
It's okay...just...just pay attention, okay?
Anyways, Bernie has publicly been shanked for this. At the first Democratic debate hosted by CNN, the other candidates didn't like that he criticized them on their approach to add laws to tighten gun control. They wanted the moon, the stars, and the cow that has the fantastic calves to jump over them all. However, whether or not that's good or bad morally, Sanders correctly tried to remind them that Republicans don't like their position. His point was that a president has to work with people who disagree with him or her, and asking for extremes on either side isn't a practical way to get laws passed. Unfortunately, his fellow candidates took that as him siding with the GOP, rather than realizing he was only pointing out they're tough to work with. Good job Bernie.

2. He's honest but not offensive
This probably is only here because of the hair-who-must-not-be-named, but it is relevant nonetheless. This election has been a lot about comparing candidates who are authentic, and those who exist to serve self-interest groups. While I am of the belief most of them are a little bit of both, Sanders is probably one that is heavily authentic. I only say "probably" because I think there's still some scenario where he is a secret sleeper-cell agent hired by McDonald's. If not, his authenticity is something I think most can appreciate. What is even better is that he goes out of his way to be polite and keep it on the issues, even when his main opponent is under investigation by the FBI. What a guy. To me, it's refreshing. He's no nonsense, likes to talk about the issues, and is classy about it. And it's attracting a lot of people, with many who even like to dress up like him. They eat this stuff up.

3. He wrote Seinfeld
I know this may come as a surprise, but Seinfeld is one of the greatest shows in the history of television. It'd be insane to not include this. If his presidency is a tenth as good as Seinfeld was, America will definitely be great again. And if you disagree with that, you're probably a communist. Which isn't that far from Sanders, so that might not be as much of an insult to you as it is to me.
editor whispers in ear
Sanders didn't write what?
Larry David? Hold on, lemme see....

Ohhhhhh....never mind then.


There you have it. Three...well...two great reasons why you have to vote for Bernie Sanders. He's a lovable guy who loves to be lovable. What's not to love?


Iain Coston

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