Iain Coston
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Marco Rubio is considered the sexy candidate. Not by policy, or by his success in the government (or lack thereof *cough*), but aesthetically. Even his wife is a former Miami Dolphins Cheerleader...It's not really that fair. Because of that, I won't include it in his top three reasons. So if you're on the fence, you should probably get off of it (It's not good for your tailbone) and consider these three factors...
1. He Can Pull off Knowing As Much (or More Than) Old Geezers
Yes, most of these people are smart to a certain extent, but for Marco, it is imperative he comes across as one of the smartest in the room. He has to be over and above most of the other candidates to make sure they take him seriously. If he doesn't play his cards right however, he will make a fool of himself. Just think of Matt Damon in Ocean's 11.
One of the ways he has done this (besides knowing a lot about foreign policy) is by the way he defends himself. In the fall/winter of 2015, allegedly he was irresponsible with his finances while serving in the Floridian government. As the young gun, this has to be defended in just the right way so it doesn't seem as if he is trying to cover up a mistake from the past. Not only did he explain how it wasn't corruption, he also attempted to use it to his advantage, saying,
"It will be good for this country to have a President that knows what it feels like to have your house lose its value because of irresponsible and reckless behavior by Fannie and Freddie, by the Federal Reserve...It would be good for this country to have a President that knows what it's like to owe money in student loans like I once did.”
Now this could be just a suave maneuver just like every other politician. What do you guys think?
Oh....okay then. That saves me a lot of time.
2. He Is Looking to Cut Waste (Really)
I think the one thing we can all agree on is that government waste is bad. It's like a Michael Bay movie. It's all fluff we can do without. Luckily, Rubio isn't waiting until he gets elected to actually try and kill the Bay-like spending. The Sun Sentinel reported this on the 12th. Apparently, my source says that he introduced a bill that would prevent Cuban immigrants abusing the immigration system. They were coming into the U.S., taking benefits, and getting out of dodge. The article claims,
"Rubio's bill would require Cuban immigrants to prove they were persecuted in Cuba to qualify for cash, food stamps and Medicaid, like asylum seekers from other countries."
So...I think it's good. I would like to see how this would actually be implemented, but it's a start, and it's more active than you can say for many people on Capitol Hill.
3. He Can Swag It Out
I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to talk about this. I try to control myself, but sometimes...it's just...
Couldn't have put it better myself.
Look, I'm not that enamored with him, really, I just think it can be a major factor in an election. Mainly for those that don't pay attention. Put yourselves in the shoes of a completely uninformed voter. Compare the following. I used equally attractive pictures to prove my journalistic integrity:
C'mon. The election is basically over. It's like Fabio vs Seth Rogan guys.
There you go. The top three reasons Marco Rubio must be the next POTUS. If not, maybe he'll do fine at Calvin Klein.
-Iain Coston
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