Sunday, January 24, 2016

Donald Trump Must Be the Next POTUS

Iain Coston

Author's Note: In this series, I will be examining the top three reasons why each candidate should be the next President of The United States. This is the second.

I wanted to save this one for last. But writing about Donald Trump is like plunging a have to get it done quick before it gets any worse. However, I will not be bashing the mogul of 'Merica. Instead, as the series indicates, I will be looking at the things that, if they were done in isolation, might bring down the stress levels of all the anti-Trump-ites. Lesgo. 

1. He's Really Rich
Guys, I don't know if you know this, but he's really rich. Reaaallllyyy rich. Dolla Dolla Bill y'all kind of rich. You might need to be a political science fanatic to know that, but I'm taking the chance.


The thing its, if elected, he would be the richest president a long shot. Now, you may be asking why that is relevant. And I hope so because I give brownie points to those who ask questions. 

The thing is, because he was in the real estate business, Trump probably got a lot of his wealth by being triksy like the Hobbitses (I have no source to back that up, but I would bet two whole dollars that I'm right). However, I believe that most of it came from him being good at something. And that something would be branding and knowing what will be popular. He makes a lot of investments, and knows how to communicate what he's thinking (we'll leave the specifics to another post). Let me explain...Some people looked at the words he uses, and calculated that he talks at a third-grade level. Very simple. In politics though, that's a good thing. Those who don't really pay attention know exactly what you're saying. You're blunt and sometimes...dare I say it...rude. He's probably talked like this throughout his career. The reason why it ruffles our feathers so much now is because with business, the bad stuff has to get cut, and people understand that if you're not being efficient, you're probably going to get cut. With government...that's not (always) the case. Either way, it can't be a bad thing to have someone who's made his living off of "You're fired" put in charge of cutting off the fat in our government.

2. Hark, A Tax Plan!
Yessir-ee-bob. A real plan. It may not be the best plan ever, but it is something. And it's not all bad. The Tax Foundation took a peek at his plan and found a few things. It will be eliminating federal taxes for single people who make less than $25,000 a year, and for couples making less that $50,000. I think poor people will like that. Also, the maximum rate for those single filers making over $150,000 is 25% on income and 2o% on capital gains. I think rich people will like that. The Tax foundation found that wages would increase, GDP would increase, and leave American's with more moolah in their pockets.

Thanks Obama.

By now some of you are probably thinking...

But Iain, won't that  mean the U.S. wouldn't be able to pay its bills?

Wow, I'm flattered you asked, but even though I'm not an economist I would disagree. My reasoning is that if you cut programs that cost a lot of money, then you can lower taxes to Trump-levels, and still pay the bills. The problem is that things would need to be cut out. Like...well, I can't give a good analogy now, but I'll think of something. 

3. He has a Presence (Or maybe it's just the hair...)

When it comes to negotiating with other countries, you don't want a tough negotiator, you want a good negotiator. Many times they will overlap, but the former doesn't guarantee the latter.

While I don't have any experience negotiating nuclear agreements with hostile nations, one has to think that it's good if the other country respects you. When it comes to Russia, Trump has an admirer. Putin apparently digs him. At first it seems strange, but I think I found a few similarities...

Imagine that meeting in the oval office.

Jokes aside, it can't hurt to have Putin respect Trump and have it be more likely to have peace with Russia. As long as Putin was telling truth. Which happens all the time, right?
There you go, the top three reasons Donald Trump should be president. I understand there are things about him that are a tad unsavory, but think of all the doors this would open...



Iain Coston

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