Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ted Cruz Must Be the Next POTUS

Iain Coston

Author's Note: In this series, I will be examining the top three reasons why each candidate should be the next President of The United States. This is the fourth.

Voting begins tonight for New Hampshire. Before those lovely folk cast their ballots, I want to look at some things they might want to consider about Ted Cruz before making their decision. I've already written about Marco Rubio, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, so naturally, this "Constitution warrior" needs his fair shake.

1. He is Tactical
I believe the best way to communicate a point is by short, simple and concise messages. Whether by words, song, painting, or picture, sometimes an argument can be understood with just a...well....

You dig?

As my dad would say, Cruz is a sharp cat. That is, if that cat is named Fluffernutters, and lays out Hotwheels in the middle of the night for you to slip on when you go to the bathroom.

Cruz has been grooming his tactical mind for years. He was a stud on the Princeton Debate team and, as the above shows, didn't give two taco supremos about how terrible his room's color scheme was, as long as he was smart and knew everything about politics. He even showed his prowess by winning Iowa , but at a cost. Some of these votes might have been garnered due to a tactical decision Cruz made. He kind of told voters in Iowa that Carson dropped out...when he didn't. He also did a few other things that apparently people were not happy with his tactics, especially the governor of Iowa. And the secretary of Iowa. Or Ben Carson. Don't worry though, if Cruz is elected President, I think it could be a good thing to have a president who does whatever it takes to win. As long as no more college photos come to the surfa---


2. He Loves America

Cruz really wants you to know this. He realllyyy does...also, he likes to make jokes about beating his wife...

Yeah, same.

The thing is though, you want a passionate leader in the white house. It would be bad for everyone if the leader of the free world couldn't care less about the state and well-being of the nation. He wants to pound down the enemies. Like ISIS. And ISIS sucks (I have a t-shirt idea for that, don't steal it). When it comes to standing firm in the face of the enemy, or uniting a nation in tragedy, love of country is something we all cherish and hope for in a leader. Even if you hate his guts, I probably wouldn't believe you if you said you didn't respect his love of country. But then again, I probably don't know you, and for me to judge you like that would be very un-Christian of me.

*whispers*  He's watching...

3. Not Afraid of the Big Bad Media
If you're not a fan of the "Lame-stream Media", then Cruz is the one for you. It's not an easy thing to go up against a massive behemoth like the media. I love the media. I kind of am part of the media, and people are scared to go up against me. But that's usually only after I haven't showered for a few days. The thing is, there are a lot of talented roasters out there who people listen to (such as Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews, Greg Gutfeld and Stephen Colbert). These types of folks have great influence, and will go after you if they have the chance. So to have the guts to attack the media to it's face should be considered. 


There you have it. A few things that most people should be able to respect about Ted Cruz. Are you aware of other universal qualities of this candidate that I didn't mention? Let me hear it in the comments. I always love hearing from the people. Even if those people are out to throw tomatoes at me. 
Iain Coston

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